Sensual Secrets Unveiled: 11 Captivating Works of eгotіс Art from Unseen Talents

Discussing sex can be an uncomfortable topic for many individuals, but there’s no denying that it’s a subject that captures everyone’s interest. Here are some common misconceptions regarding intimacy that pertain to both the “ex” and “gender” aspects.


During the Zhou Dynasty (770 – 222 BC), Taoists subscribed to the belief that men and women adhered to the principles of yin and yang. Love was intricately linked with sexuality, wherein the harmonious union of yin and yang resulted in mutual satisfaction and profound interest. According to this perspective, achieving a balance between yin and yang in the realm of sexuality was considered conducive to both physical and mental well-being, promoting a holistic state of health for individuals.




However, there is a common phenomenon in many men known as premature ejaculation. This refers to the occurrence of ejaculation after a short period, not according to the male’s intention, ejaculating before the partner has achieved orgasm.

According to the concept of the Zhou Dynasty, premature ejaculation is caused by an imbalance between yang and yin, resulting from masturbation and harm to health. Also, at this time, if masturbation was forbidden for men (to avoid premature ejaculation), women were allowed to engage in self-pleasure for as long as they wanted, but they were not allowed to use foreign objects because it could affect the uterus.

Nowadays, it is not recommended for a woman to engage in casual encounters or have multiple lovers simultaneously. However, in the old days, sexual relations with strangers were advocated if individuals truly desired to have children.

This practice was observed in Mesopotamia in the 10th century BC. At that time, many people believed that women who had sex with a stranger would become more fertile. The Temple of Ishtar is a place that all women are obligated to visit at least once in their lifetime. If anyone asks, they will be introduced as “sanctuaries of the temple.”

Understandably, this is like a ritual in which women offer their virginity to a certain god, or in a solemn ceremony, all women must take turns at the temple and accept intercourse with the first man to throw a silver coin in her lap.

During the Middle Ages (400-1500), sex was a sensitive topic. Those who wanted to be servants of God always believed that sex is a shame, a despicable act both outside and during marriage. Many people saw sex as just an act to maintain the race, affecting the psychology of couples and causing them to ignore the real feelings of intimacy.



Sex was also considered a “moral danger,” and extramarital sex was immediately labeled as fornication. Bathing immediately after intercourse was also seen as a way to “cleanse the body.”

Homosexuality and Androgyny

Homosexuality and androgyny have existed since long ago when humans first appeared on Earth. There are times when it is considered normal and other times when it is deemed immoral. Regardless of people’s opinions, it still exists as an important aspect of the human gender.



Homosexuality and androgyny in ancient Egypt or during the time of Alexander the Great (336 – 323 BC) became integral to social development, involving education, religion, politics, and art. Additionally, prostitution was also accepted and categorized into another field known as “polite prostitution.”