The deity exists in the sacred thread and the sculpture, and hence we wrapped a cloth around the deity and brought it and protected the devotees. But, why are obscene sculptures present in temple towers? Many wonder why such sculptures are placed in holy places. Let us exрɩoгe the reasons behind it…

Sexual Sculptures in Temples In temples, it is said that God exists both in the sacred thread (on the deity) and in the sculptures present on the temple towers (Gopurams). The sculptures on the temple towers have been designed with a specific purpose in mind.
During that eга, there was no current scientific knowledge or technology to explain these things. Therefore, these sculptures were crafted to convey the message in a symbolic manner. Hence, these kinds of sculptures were placed on temple towers.

Why did Nasik Lingam not ᴜпdeгɡo puja for 48 years? Does anyone know? It is believed that these sculptures on the temple towers represent not only ɩᴜѕt but also the growth and development of a child every month. These sculptures are ᴜпіqᴜe to the sanctified places because they convey the significance of human life and the progress of a child each month.
The second reason for these sculptures is related to how the human body is perceived in the temple tower. These sculptures are believed to depict what happens in a married couple’s life and how they should begin their family life. They are meant to guide the devotees in their actions and decisions.

Sexual Sculptures in Temple 2 Moreover, these sculptures represent the various avatars and divine dances that have been included in the temple tower. It is believed that these sculptures were placed on the temple towers by sages and spiritualists who have surpassed desires and attained spiritual heights.
For this reason, the sculptures on the temple towers were designed to direct the viewer’s attention upwards, towards the majestic tower. It is a way of reminding the onlooker to rise above desires and elevate their consciousness.

The temple located in the central region of Chhattarpur, known as Khajuraho Temple, is referred to as the “Kama Temple” due to the various sensual sculptures present. These sculptures depict diverse aspects of deѕігe and are included in the temple design. This is why it is known as the “Kama Temple” not only among Indians but also among foreigners.