Whispers of Elegance: Unveiling the Allure of Yamamoto Fumihiko’s Enchanting Nymphs and Marvelous Maidens

Yamamoto Fumihiko is a Western-style painter and printmaker born in Tokyo in 1937. Now he is a professor emeritus at the University of Tsukuba and a member of the Japanese Art Academy, who lives in Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture (50 km from the center of Tokyo). In Japan, Fumihiko is an acknowledged artist with many prizes. His depictions of gentle nymphs as they emerge from mysterious landscapes that look more like prehistoric creatures with scales, eyes, and hidden faces, give us vibes of French symbolists Gustave Moreau

Symbolists and surrealists regarded him as their precursor. His contemporaries in literature praised his works in novels and poems. After his death, the place where he lived became the first house museum in France…

and Odilon Redone.

Yamamoto Fumihiko

Fig. 1. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Yamamoto Fumihiko painting nude

Fig. 2. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Yamamoto Fumihiko framed painting

Fig. 3. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Yamamoto Fumihiko nude in the grass

Fig. 4. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Yamamoto Fumihiko in the forest

Fig. 5. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Yamamoto Fumihiko semi nude

Fig. 6. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Student And Teacher

Born in Tokyo, Fumihiko was evacuated to Saku City, Nagano Prefecture. He received primary education at Nozawa Kita High School and then studied at the Tokyo University of Education. In 1961, Fumihiko graduated from the Department of Education with a degree in arts. After graduation, he was a teacher at Chiba Prefectural Chosei High School and, eight years later, became an assistant professor at Yamaguchi University. In 1985, he attained the rank of professor and began working at the University of Tsukuba, Department of Art. In the 1990s, the artist took part in the NHK Educational Television project “Oil Painting” as a lecturer. At the beginning of the 21st century, Fumihiko retired from the university and became a professor emeritus.

Yamamoto Fumihiko semi nude sitting between the flowers

Fig. 7. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

fumihiko painting

Fig. 8. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Yamamoto Fumihiko Japanese artist

Fig. 9. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Yamamoto Fumihiko reclining nudes

Fig. 10. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Yamamoto Fumihiko erotic

Fig. 11. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

fumihiko luminous nude

Fig. 12. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

fumihiko nude in embryo pose

Fig. 13. auctions.yahoo.co.jp

0Yamamoto Fumihiko two nude females

Fig. 14. auctions.yahoo.co.jp